Daylesford & the Macedon Ranges

Travel through the charming villages dotted around Victoria's Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges region and celebrate the enriching effects of water, from the luxury spas, the decadent food and wine, the lush environment, the thriving arts and crafts community, and the holistic therapies.
Daylesford & the Macedon Ranges
Daylesford & the Macedon Ranges

Travel just an hour north-west of Melbourne to an area boasting the greatest concentration of naturally occurring mineral springs in Australia. Daylesford and Hepburn Springs were built up around these springs and you're spoiled for choice of spa and wellness centres, each using the water's mineral properties differently to ensure maximum relaxation and wellbeing. Head to these towns for the added indulgences of restaurants serving sumptuous local food and wines, luxury accommodation, and shops and galleries displaying unique local wares.

Impressive mansions, striking landscapes and some of Victoria's finest gardens combine to create the old world ambience of the nearby Macedon Ranges. Tour Mount Macedon's heritage gardens, explore the 19th century streetscapes of Woodend and Kyneton lined with art and craft galleries and vintage emporiums, or visit the legendary Hanging Rock, the haunting backdrop to The Picnic at Hanging Rock book and film.

The Macedon Ranges is also a cool-climate wine region known for producing outstanding sparkling wine, pinot noir and chardonnay. Visit the cellar doors of over 40 wineries and spend time chatting to winemakers. Find excellent shiraz and cabernet in the wineries around Sunbury. You'll also discover an abundance of local produce, with even the smallest regional towns offering award-winning restaurants, provedores stocked with the best local preserves, farm gates selling the freshest seasonal fruits and vegetables, cheeses and meats.

Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges region is just an hour north-west of Melbourne along the Western Freeway or the Calder Freeway.


Daylesford, Victoria, 3460