Members enjoy more!
Perks+ Membership
As a BIG4 Holiday Perks+ or VIPerks member you will not only save on your accommodation, you will also enjoy exclusive in-park Perks and have access to member-only holiday deals — all for just $50 for 2 years of membership.
10% off
BIG4 holidays up to $50*
Exclusive member-only holiday deals
In-park perks like late checkout, free wi-fi and more^
Discounts and offers from BIG4 Loyalty Partners
Perks+ Membership for just $50!
Add Perks+ membership and start saving today.
10% off BIG4 holidays up to $50*
Exclusive Perks+ partner offers
Exclusive in-park perks^
Member booking guarantee**
Early access to holiday offers
Access to member-only deals
Unlock VIPerks account for further discounts
Manage your own online account
Stay at two or more parks and spend $4000 within two years as a Perks+ member to unlock an UNCAPPED 10% off BIG4 holidays^^
VIPerksPerks Account
Sign up for a Perks account and be the first to know about our holiday deals and offers. Plus, gain access to your own online account to manage your bookings.
Holiday Perks*Member discounts only apply to bookings made on or directly with a BIG4 park. Member discount may not apply to existing Holiday Deals.
**Member money back guarantee. This benefit is not available at Website Partner Parks.
^In-park perks and discounts are subject to availability, can be seasonal and are at the discretion of the BIG4 Park.
^^Uncapped discount is only valid for the first 28 nights of a single stay.
For full details, please see BIG4 Holiday Parks Terms and Conditions
BIG4 partners include
Unlock exclusive perks with your membership, courtesy of our partners.