Members enjoy more!
Enjoy the benefits of being a BIG4 Holiday Perks member
Early Access
Get early access to holiday deals throughout the year as a BIG4 Perks Member.
Exclusive Deals
BIG4 Perks Members will regularly receive exclusive BIG4 holiday deals not available to the general public. These great deals are delivered directly to your inbox every month.
Partner Offers
As a BIG4 Perks Member, you'll receive selected offers from a range of local and national partners.
Online Account Access
Make booking a breeze with an online account. Save your booking details, select your favourite parks and plan your next big adventure.
Join BIG4 Holiday Perks
Perks+ Membership for just $50!
Add Perks+ membership and start saving today.
10% off BIG4 holidays up to $50*
Exclusive Perks+ partner offers
Exclusive in-park perks^
Member booking guarantee**
Early access to holiday offers
Access to member-only deals
Unlock VIPerks account for further discounts
Manage your own online account
Rewarding our loyal members
What do VIPerks members receive?
UNCAPPED 10% off BIG4 holidays^^
Early access to exclusive holiday deals
Enjoy in-parks Perks during your stay^
*Member discounts only apply to bookings made on or directly with a BIG4 park. Member discount may not apply to existing Holiday Deals.
**This benefit is not available at Website Partner Parks.
^In-park perks and discounts are subject to availability, can be seasonal and are at the discretion of the BIG4 Park.
^^Uncapped discount is only valid for the first 28 nights of a single stay.
For full details, please see BIG4 Holiday Parks Terms and Conditions