Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ)

Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa - (KJ) provides a range of services to Martu and non-Martu people including Cultural Programs.
The preservation of cultural knowledge is key to maintaining Martu's identity and connection to country. The Culture Program has responded to Martu's aspirations and priorities to help achieve this.

The work of this program is diverse: organising a return to country trips and camps, collating genealogical information, mapping Martu country, recording oral histories from both Martu and people who have worked with them researching and collecting historical material, collecting a vast digital archive of photos, recordings and films; and working with Martu to preserve the rich language of elders.

Young Martu may seek knowledge about their country, their grandparents’ lives and their history. The program provides access to this collected traditional knowledge by harnessing modern technology in new ways.



18 Panizza Way, Newman, Western Australia, 6753