Booking Terms and Conditions
Check in
Check out
Reception hours
Changes & cancellations
- If you would like to change your booking for any reason, you must obtain Bathers Paradise prior consent to do so.
- While we will try our best, Bathers Paradise may not be able accommodate your request to change your booking.
- If we agree to change your booking, we may adjust the rate that applies to your booking to reflect the applicable rate on the changed booking dates. In legal terms, this varies the Agreement between You and Us. In practical terms, this means that the total cost of your booking may change.
- We understand that from time to time, you may need to cancel your Booking.
- If you cancel your booking, then the following cancellation policies apply (please check which cancellation policy applies to your specific booking time frame).
- For bookings between the 15th of December to the 31st of January.
- if you cancel your booking 30 days prior to arrival date your deposit will be refunded minus one night’s stay
- if you cancel your booking within 30 days of your arrival date you will forfeit the full amount set out in your booking.
- For bookings between the 1st of February to the 31st of April.
- If you cancel your booking 14 days prior to arrival date your deposit will be refunded minus one night’s stay.
- If you cancel your booking within 14 days of arrival you will forfeit the full amount set out in your booking.
- For bookings between 1st of May to the 14th of December.
- If you cancel your booking at any time after making the booking you will forfeit one night’s stay.
- If you cancel your booking on the day of arrival you are not entitled to a refund.
Important: if you booked prior to the 30th of August 2024 for the period between December 15th 2024 and January 31st 2025 your booking falls under the previous terms and conditions with the previous owner which stipulated that a 50% deposit was required to secure the booking which was non-refundable and non-transferrable at any time.
- The forfeited amount cannot be transferred to another date or placed in credit for future use without written consent from Bathers Paradise.
- Once you have checked in, if you make changes to your booking, such as leave early, you will forfeit the full amount set out in your booking. This is, you will not receive a refund for nights unused.
- If you are a “No Show” your booking will be cancelled, and you will not be entitled to a refund. That is, you will still be required to pay the full amount set out in your booking.
- For your safety, it’s important we know who is staying at our Park at any given time. For this reason, your booking:
- Is provided to you in your personal capacity (and any other guests named on the booking in theirs); and
- cannot be transferred, resold, or otherwise changed into the name of another person without Bathers Paradise prior written consent.
10. All refunds due to cancellations will be processed on the last business day of the month.
Deposits & payments
- When you make a booking, you will be required to pay a deposit equal to at least the first night’s rate of the booking (Deposit) during non-peak months.
- Bookings from the 15th of December to the 31st of January require 100% upfront payment at the time of booking.
- Bookings from the 1st of February to the 30th of April require 50% of the total booking at the time of booking and then the remaining 50% on arrival.
- Once you pay for your Booking (either in whole or in part), you will be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions.
- Once we have processed the payment for your booking, we will confirm the details of your booking with you in writing. This confirmation creates an agreement between You and Us (Agreement).
- You must pay for your booking in Australian dollars.
- If you pay by Amex, MasterCard or Visa Credit or Debit Card we will charge a card surcharge of 1.6% of the total transaction value. The surcharge amount will be displayed at the point of booking before you proceed to payment. We reserve the right to vary the surcharge in accordance with the applicable costs and merchant fees in accepting a credit card payment at any time without prior notice.
Dogs are welcome at Bathers Paradise, at the Managers discretion.
What you need to know
- You are always solely responsible for your property at Bathers Paradise.
- If your property is lost, stolen, or damaged at Bathers Paradise, we are under no obligation to:
- replace the property.
- compensate you for; or
- be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result.
- To the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible or liable for any accident or, direct or indirect loss including but not limited to loss suffered to property or person, damage, fatality, injury, psychological injury, inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, disappointment or health related issue whatsoever during your stay at Bathers Paradise.
- You agree to fully and finally release and discharge us from any liability, claim, action, right or entitlement whatsoever you have against us whether known or unknown, whether accrued, contingent or inchoate arising out of, concerning or relating to your stay.
- If you wish to claim any refund you must contact Bathers Paradise directly by calling (08) 9071 1014.
- If a condition or warranty cannot be excluded at law then you agree to the fullest extent permitted by law that our liability for a breach of the condition or warranty shall be, at our sole election, the re-supply or payment of the cost of re-supply of the relevant goods or services. All other conditions and/or warranties are expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
- You fully indemnify us against any loss, liability, damage, action, demand, expense, claim, fine, charge or obligation which we have or may suffer or incur by reason of or in any way consequent upon, arising out of or incidental to the non-performance or non-observance of the obligations and liabilities imposed on you under this Agreement or by reason of or concerning or arising out of your conduct, act or omission on or related to the Booking or your stay at Bathers Paradise.
BIG4 Holiday Parks of Australia Pty Ltd is not the owner of any particular BIG4 Holiday Park. BIG4 Holiday Parks facilitates this booking service and is not responsible for the provision of services, standard of facilities or payments received. All bookings are made directly with the individual owner of this BIG4 member park and therefore BIG4 Holiday Parks will not accept any responsibility.