Whale Watching in Portland

Community Event

The whales are back in Portland for another season!
Whale viewed along the Portland Lee Breakwater
Spotting one of nature's most magnificent wild mammals is a truly memorable experience. Make sure you never miss an opportunity at Australia's Whale capital, Portland. They even have a Facebook page, Whalemail to notify you of whale sightings.

If the whale flag is flying outside the Portland Visitor Information Centre there is a great chance visitors will catch a glimpse of southern right whales, Humpback whales or if lucky Orcas (Killer whales), which often visit Portland and Cape Bridgewater bays in winter.

Southern right whales are easily distinguished by large white bumps on the top and sides of the head. They visit from May to October, on their annual migration from the deep Southern Ocean, to the warmer waters of southern Australia to mate and calve.

Humpback whales play and feed here while travelling between their tropical breeding and Antarctic feeding areas.

Blue whales can be seen when ocean currents bring krill to the coast over summer and autumn.

Call into the Portland Visitor Information Centre and get information on the latest sighting locations.



Wade Street, Portland, Victoria, 3305

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