Fitzroy Falls to Kangaroo Valley cycling route

Natural Attractions

Riding along trails on Fitzroy Falls to Kangaroo Valley cycling route, you’ll see the best of Morton National Park. Some sections of the 30 kilometre bike ride are steep, making it a challenging adventure for all types of bikers.
Fitzroy Falls to Kangaroo Valley cycling route
Cycling to the top of Meryla Pass, head down through Yarrunga Creek Valley and finish in one of the most beautiful towns in the Southern Highlands. Some bike riders do the journey in a day, but there’s also the option make a weekend getaway to camp overnight at Griffins Farm.

Choose from one of many scenic spots nearby to enjoy a leisurely lunch with some snacks. Don’t forget your camera if you want to capture some spectacular scenery. Be sure to keep an eye out for wombats, kangaroos and lyrebirds, living in the area.

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