Hay Water Tower Art

Galleries, Museums and Collections

A magnificent tribute to the servicemen and women of Australia.
Hay Water Tower Art
Hay Water Tower Art
Hay Water Tower Art
Water Tower Art - with bikes
View of two returned serviceman on Hay Water Tower Art
Water Tower Art in Hay NSW
Image of returned serviceman William 'George' Cannon on Water Tower Art Hay NSW
Melbourne artist Matt Adnate created a striking memorial to the contribution of the people of Hay to both World Wars, displayed across two water towers on the edge of town, close to the popular Sandy Point Beach.

The portraits of five individuals who served in the Second World War adorn the water towers, designed to represent the hundreds of people from this tiny community who answered the call to arms. The veterans depicted are Private William ‘George’ Cannon, Corporal Cliff Farlow, Private Norman Flack, Lieutenant Lorna Margaret Whyte from the Australian Army Nursing Service and Indigenous soldier Private Victor George Murray.

The towers are part of the Australian Silo Art Trail, which has hundreds of sites dotted across the country.


Cnr Pine and Brunker Street, New South Wales, 2711