Tamboi picnic area

Natural Attractions

Tamboi picnic area, near the site of historic Tamboi fishing village, takes in lovely water views in the southern Bombah Broadwater, on the western banks of Myall River. It's an ideal pit stop on a boating adventure in the southern section of Myall Lakes National Park.
Tamboi Pinic Area, Myall Lakes National Park. Photo: Shane Chalker/NSW Government
Arriving at the old wharf, moor the boat or kayak and find your land legs. Unpack a delicious lunch in the shade of the sheltered picnic tables. As you tuck in, watch for the yellow-tailed black cockatoos snacking on the fruits of the nearby she-oaks.

If you love paddling, canoe south along the tranquil Myall River for a night under the stars at Brambles Green campground.